Graduate Profile/Occupation Civil Engineering Departemnt

Konten divisi laman kerjasama 2022

by Agus SBN

Ahli Madya Teknik (A.Md. T)

D3 Civil study program:

  1. Inspector of civil,building,constructions
  2. Surveyor
  3. Laboratory technician
  4. Quantity Enginer technician

D3 Geodetic Engineering study program:

  1. Operator of Terrestrial measurement equipment
  2. Data processors of terrestrial measurement and remote sensing with cartograpic rules
  3. Surveyors for tophograpic and construction measurements according to cartograpic rules documented in the form of maps, realization images and reports

D3 Open mining Engineering

  1. Supervisor/Foreman Mine Operations (Production)
  2. Supervisor/Foreman Mine Drill & Blast
  3. Supervisor/Foreman Mine Health & Safety
  4. Mine Engineer
  5. Geotechnical Engineer
  6. Drill & Blast Technician

Sarjana Terapan Teknik (S.Tr. T)

D4 Swamp Construction Engineering

  1. Engineer in the design of civil construction planning (especially construction on swamp/soft soil)

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