Poliban Summer Course 2019 China University of Mining & Technology Student Representative Activities
In the Summer School program organized by CUMT in 2019, two students as delegates from the Banjarmasin State Polytechnic were selected to be Indonesian representative participants in Xuzhou, Jiangsu China, they were Siti Halimatussa’diyah Nurissaid from the Sharia Financial Institutions Accounting Study Program of 2016 and M. Ridho Oktayasa from the Informatics Management Study Program Class of 2017.
Poliban Student Internship Program Goes To China
During the “Student Internship Program Goes To China in 2019” Poliban succeeded in sending 5 student representatives from 5 study programs, they are; Muhammad Rizky Adam from the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Cornelia Puspita Sari Tresno Susilo from the Accounting Study Program, Dewienta Pramesuari from the Civil Engineering Study Program, Untung Slamet Raharjo from the Administration Study Program Business and Hermawan Agung from Heavy Equipment Study Program.
While participating in internship activities, the five Poliban students were given guidance and insight into the world of technology. They experienced what it was like to be students at the China University of Mining and Technology, studying in class, exploring laboratories and visiting 10 large companies in China.
Jindong.com or better known as JD.ID in Indonesia is one of them, the place was visited by Cornelia, a Poliban Accounting student, then there was Rizky Adam who looked at the largest microcontroller manufacturing company in China and Hermawan who had the opportunity to visit the heavy equipment companies Caterpillar and XCMG directly. According to him, this experience can develop broader knowledge and learn high levels of discipline.
The Student Internship Program provides an exciting learning experience for the five Poliban students, because not only do they get academic learning, they also don’t miss out on cultural and customs learning, Bao Lian Temple, Creative Center, Gushan Han Tomb and Yun Long Like are also places purpose of filling experience.