Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin (Poliban) menyelenggarakan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Penguatan Kemitraan Strategis Dengan SMA/SMK/MA Se- Kalimantan Selatan untuk Mencapai Indonesia Emas 2045 di Gedung Kantor Utama …
Sambutan Pak Direktur
Praise and thank you to Allah for giving us ability to Present Poliban Website. Which is a means to provide infromation of Poliban concisely.
This Collaboration Site is provide information of Poliban concisely
This site contained graduate profile, educational support services, activities of students, coollaborative partners and contact Poliban.
Our high respect and apppreciation to all parties who have supported and participated in making this Poliban Website a reality.
We are well aware that there are shortcomings and imperfections in this profile so that advice and constructive suggestions will be accepted for better Poliban Website.
"Poliban, for the best"
About Collaboration Poliban
VISION Become a qualified and superior vocational higher education institution in applied science. Mission Conducting qualified vocational education which is supported by a conducive academic atmosphere for improving the quality ..
Banjarmasin state polytechnic (Poliban) is the first vocational higher education in nSouth Kalimantan. By implementing a voactional lecture system and national framework of qualifications. based curriculum which means focusing in learning activities to meet industrial qualifications ...
Civil Engineering Departemnt Study Program D3 Civil Engineering D4 Swamp Construction Engineering ...
Website Poliban yang baru di tahun 2022 ini adalah hasil dari bantuan dana Program Penguatan Kemitraan Luar Negeri Dirjen Dikti 2021. Dikerjakan Tim UPT.TIK dan Humas Poliban. Sedangkan Konten “Tentang Kerjasama Poliban” diatas di ambil dari Buku Profile Poliban yang disusun oleh HJ. Susi Rosinawaty, S.PD, M.PD
Dalam Negeri
- Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Kalimantan Selatan dan Tengah Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia
- PT. Nindya Karya
- PT. Nindya Karya
- PT. Hutamaya Karya
- PT. Adhi Karya
- PT. Wijaya Karya
- PT. Waskita Karya
- PT. PLN Kalselteng
- PT. Adimanunggal Cipta Padunusa
- PT. Jati Baru
- PT. Multi Usaha Pembangunan
- PT. Yodya Karya
- PT. Reka Utama Agung
- PT. Sapta Jasa Konstruksi
- PT. Arista Pilar Karya
- PT. Putra Kanca
- PT. Bumi Alai Sentosa
Luar Negeri
- Seamolec
- Wenzhou University
- Microsoft
- Microsoft In Partnership with TRUST Unified Systems
- Technical and Further Education Commission of New South Wales through its Western Institute (TAFE Western)
- Hanbat National University, Republic of Korea
- Guizhou Institute of Technology
- Tiri Making Integrity Work, London, UK
- Guizhou Institute of Technology Sandwich